Friday, May 17, 2013

May's Skincare Favs

These products have actually been my long time favorites, but this month they have helped to improve my skin tremendously! I have very oily skin and stress acne (due to genetics and last minute cramming for my IB exams), but my condition have greatly improved after using these items:

1. Innisfree Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask

I'm obsessed with Korean cosmetics and this is my favorite Korean brand Mask that helps to reduce pore size and prevents acne! I have fairly large pores on my nose and after using this I saw a difference!  The makeup we us everyday is very harsh to our skin and can clog the pores on our beautiful faces. Use the clay mask twice a week (if you can!) and you will see the difference in about two weeks :)

2. WEI Golden Root Purifying Mud Mask
If you have a little extra to spent, I would highly recommend the WEI Golden Root Purifying Mud Mask set. This mud mask set does wonders with your skin! Yes, I agree that the it's pricy, but I can't stress enough how it's worth every penny. I used this during my trip in NYC with the AOF crew every night after the long days of meet and greets, and at the time my skin was at it's worst. I had stress acne from the lack of sleep and the long days of work, but the mud mask helped brighten my skin tone, get rid of the redness, and reduce the size of my pimples! So when you have the time (and money!) you should definitely treat yourself to a DIY spa day with this mud mask (and a bottle of fine Chardonnay)!

3. Murad Clarifying Toner

Out of all the Murad products that i've tried, this toner is the only thing that works! I've tried so many products from Murad and nothing - from their cleanser to wipes - has worked on my skin, except this clarifying toner! Like i've said before, nothing has worked on me, so i'm not really supportive of this brand, but their toner is something that I use on a daily bases and bring especially when I'm traveling! The toner makes your skin feel smooth and cool after using, and one bottle can last me about 3 - 4 weeks. I recommend this to anyone who has acne prone skin!

I hope everyone tries these products, they are seriously my favorite skincare products so far! I know these items have been on the market for a while, but I won't recommend anything, unless i've tried them for at least a month.  Feel free to message me if you have questions about these products, or my skin type, so you can get the most accurate info :) And if you have tried these products, what do you think about then? 

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